MPG Petroleum, Inc

Make America Great Again with Energy Independence While Benefitting from Excellent Tax Advantages

Drilling for oil and gas
Oil and Gas, High Yield, Tax Advantaged, Inflation Hedge.

Is creating a tax shelter and long-term income of interest to you?

What if this could be accomplished while solving one of the most critical problems the world faces today?

Keeping America energy independent and our power grid backed with reliable and clean natural gas is essential to life as the civilized world knows it… Rolling brownouts? NO THANKS!

MPG Petroleum, Inc.‘s mission statement, “Fueling the Future” was never more relevant. The radical push towards transitioning to green renewable “alternative” energy is a dangerous proposition.

But it is positioning the American Independent Oil and Gas Producers and their Investors to take advantage of the Mother of All Booms.

MPG’s focus is on establishing World-class reserves of Oil and Natural Gas while providing our Clients with excellent returns that are insulated from fluctuations in commodity prices. How? Through robust flow rate and high EUR drilling projects!

MPG’s World-class Projects:

Expect the highest degree of technical expertise, transparency and efficiency where environmental stewardship and safety is not just lip service.

MPG’s World-class Projects are located in close proximity to diverse infrastructure and premium markets on the Texas Gulf Coast, minimizing transportation cost and providing the conditions for a rapid turnaround from drilling to revenue.

MPG’s Prospect portfolio is risk-balanced with both exploration and exploitation opportunities in both conventional and unconventional resources.

The largest project in our portfolio has already proven itself to be repeatable across 25 miles and we expect it will expand regionally. Perhaps developing into the next

Big Oil and Natural Gas Play in North America.

The project is so highly proprietary that we cannot discuss it in the public domain but welcome direct contact to discuss the details, subject to confidentiality.

Therefore, only our smaller projects are described here on our Current Projects Page.

If you like them, you will love the BIG ONE!

Investors are invited to Participate across the entire portfolio. You may begin with a smaller project and gain the opportunity to place an Option on the Big One. Establish the relationship and build the confidence before making a larger commitment.

Image of a drilling rig and substructure with a blue sky in the background

MPG’s World-class Project – The Big One is a geological look-alike / a twin to one of the largest (offshore) Oil and Gas Fields in the world. The difference is that MPG’s Big One it is located onshore and is therefore, accessible at a small fraction of the cost and turnaround time from discovery to production.

Think offshore sized reserves at onshore finding cost!

Smart people do smart things while capturing beneficial tax advantages. For example, Investors gain 100% write-offs of Intangible Drilling Cost. IDC’s comprise a vast majority of the investment. The balance is comprised of Tangible Drilling Cost which are depreciated over a few years. In addition, the Small Producer’s Depletion Allowance guarantees a 15% minimum of production revenue to be untaxed. This deduction percentage can be raised as production depletion occurs. Oil and Gas is simply the best tax-sheltered Investment in the U.S. International Investors may also benefit by forming a U.S. based, Limited Liability Corporation.

MPG’s Geological, Geophysical and Engineering Team is remarkable in the depth of their knowledge!

See the About Us page.

We are highly experienced and well published; a diverse group of Geoscientists and Petroleum Engineers with a comprehensive background in all sectors of Oil and Gas

This is fundamental to our business model and in combination with our highly proprietary World-class Projects, MPG offers an opportunity of uncommon excellence in Oil and Natural Gas.

The Bureau of Economic Geology (University of Texas-Austin) is MPG’s academic collaborator through Project STARR.

This provides MPG and its Investors with a distinct technological advantage. Collectively, MPG’s Team is of the quality typically seen only in a Major Oil Company, but delivered here without all of the overhead and dilution of interest.

MPG has meticulously woven together the Geological, Geophysical, Geochemical, Mineralogical, and Paleontological research, along with stringent Engineering and Operational Design to render our World-class Projects drill ready and drill worthy!

As MPG’s portfolio development progresses, the price of Oil and Natural Gas will likely continue to rise as the radical push towards alternative energy sources continues, and as a direct result of it.  

So let’s make the most of what many believe may be the last big boom in the Oil and Gas business.

Contact Us for more info!.

Margaret P. Graham
MPG Petroleum, Inc.

I Personally Welcome Your Call or Email Inquiry!

MPG Petroleum
Margaret P. Graham Geologist and Founder MPG Petroleum, Inc.

Margaret P. Graham and Jacki Pick recording a radio broadcast for the Jacki Daily Show